Travels | Budapest

Ok, I realize I still owe my readers a Copenhagen post. But that's old news by now. Let's talk about Budapest! Budapest was ... amazing. Everyone is always comparing Prague and Budapest and that makes zero sense. They should be comparing Vienna and Budapest and Budapest wins hands-down. 160411-budapest-14 My favorite thing about the city is the architecture. Budapest had a shittton of money going into the 1900s, so they built scads of beautiful palace-like buildings and apartment complexes and mansions and opera houses and things all over the city right around the end of the 1800s. And they were riding high for 60 some-odd years until the first war, when Hungary lost 2/3 of its territory. Then WWII came along and that was something of a death knell for many years. But Buda is back in a big way and has been rebuilding, cleaning up and ready for action since the fall of the Soviet Union. Now it's a damn tourist playground but retains so much character (in a way that Prague, frankly, does not). 160411-budapest-33 Seriously, Budapest is so beautiful. In the way that you talk about the best perfumes, and the ones that are really fancy and intriguing have lovely floral notes but also a hint of decay? Budapest is beautiful in that way. Many of the buildings show signs of serious neglect (either from deliberate destruction during the wars or from decades of inadequate upkeep during communism). You see these palace-like apartments boarded up, or with crumbling facades. I love that. I love that way more than to see a city polished like a gemstone. I like a bit of rot in my roses and Budapest has this going on in spades. 160411-budapest-20 I flew in Wednesday night after my last A2 Swedish course. Then I spent a few hours just wandering around and oohing and ahhing over the buildings (this did not stop). 160411-budapest-1 This is the famous Chain Bridge (so-called because the metal things that hold it up look like a chain). It was bombed as the Nazis withdrew during the war. 160411-budapest-2 Budapest is a city of intense contrasts. Rich and poor, beautiful and dirty, history and modernism. So you'll see I've worked on that a little with my photos. 160411-budapest-3160411-budapest-4 This is a really good example of what a kind of "boring" Budapest corner looks like. This building isn't anything special - just an old department store or shopping center. Its facade is in disrepair. It's not a theater or a mega-bank or anything. This is just "some old building" in Budapest. 160411-budapest-5160411-budapest-6160411-budapest-7160411-budapest-8160411-budapest-9 My first morning, I took a long walking tour, which seemed like a good investment. It was alright, and we did see a lot of the city. This is a "fake palace" built to encompass 1000 years of architecture in Hungary (and lands that used to be under Hungarian control). It was a really cool place. 160411-budapest-10 And here's the cathedral. The Soviets saw fit to build a hideous apartment building in the main square. 160411-budapest-11160411-budapest-12160411-budapest-13 Budapest is actually a mash-up of three cities of old: Buda, Obuda and Pest. The Buda side of the river has some really beautiful old town areas, a massive palace and a decked-out old church. Plus some baller views. 160411-budapest-15160411-budapest-16160411-budapest-17160411-budapest-18160411-budapest-19 Back in Pest I was enjoying the grittier side of things, of course. 160411-budapest-21 Budapest had the last ghetto of the war. It was only around for six weeks, but the Nazis still managed to kill 10,000 people who were forced to live there (mostly through starvation and freezing). They also got the Hungarians to round up 430,000 Jews from the countryside, almost all of whom were murdered in camps. That happened in eight weeks. This is a "Tree of Life" at the largest synagogue in Europe. By the way, the largest synagogue in the world is in New York (I didn't know that). 160411-budapest-22 I take photos of random things. I took so many photos of buildings but I don't want to bore everyone. Plus, it just doesn't come across so much. You'll need to see for yourself. 160411-budapest-23160411-budapest-24160411-budapest-25 Let me pause here a minute to tell you about Raoul Wallenberg, my new favorite Swede. He was sent down to Budapest at the height of the war and managed to save 35,000 Jews - hiding them in safehouses or obtaining travel documents so they could come to Sweden. I just wikipedia'd him and he's not quite the fun story they told me on the tour, but he is a great historical figure anyway. The Soviets killed him shortly after liberating Hungary, for reasons that I don't understand. 160411-budapest-26160411-budapest-27 A memorial for another "Righteous Among the Nations" figure. 160411-budapest-28160411-budapest-29160411-budapest-30 I really just spent most of my time wandering around. Rick Steeves has a bunch of walking tours for Budapest and, as always, he is an entertaining dude. I did go in the House of Terror, which was horrifying and instructive and weirdly glitzy. (It's about the "double occupation" of the Nazis and then the Soviets). 160411-budapest-31 A bunch of idiotic people come to Budapest just to get drunk. That strikes me as both obnoxious and stupid. I stayed in a hostel and there was a constant churn of 20-somethings in the adjoining room. They would come for one or two nights, stay out til 2 or 4 am, then sleep all day. There's no way they got a taste for Budapest, but they were paying for hotel rooms and train tickets or whatever else. Why not just... party at home? 160411-budapest-32160411-budapest-34160411-budapest-35160411-budapest-36 There is a statue of Ronald Reagan in the middle of town for some reason. 160411-budapest-37160411-budapest-38 What else did I do?
  • I saw an opera at the very opulent Opera House. It was Stravinsky's The Rake's Progress and it was super-weird. One of the (rather long) scenes involved maybe 50 actors dry-humping, taking off clothes, literally thrusting for 20 minutes. And they were singing in English. Also, opera is mad boring. Can we please just admit it and move on? Not even a 20-minute-long orgy could save opera.

The Great American Road Trip | #wilkievoyage2015

In November, George and I set off for two months of family and friends, long days in the car, fast food, sightseeing, hikes, snow and a number of mishaps but no major injuries or troubles. Friends, it was the Great American Road Trip. We went from DC to Portland and so much in-between. These are (a handful of) the photos. If you want back story and diaries and all that, try Instagram: @amberwphoto (and currently for my 365 project and Swedish anecdotes and photos) - I'll give you the goods here and spare you the ramblings. The route: Screen Shot 2016-02-01 at 5.24.30 PM Virginia, from Safari Park to the Blue Ridge Mountains. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Durham, North Carolina and Dwight and Laurie: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | David's first corn dog: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | www.amberwilkie.com151118-gart-2 South Carolina: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Georgia: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Florida: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Seacrest Wolf Preserve: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | New Orleans: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Houston: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Austin: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Fort Worth: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Amarillo: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Santa Fe: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Fort Collins, Colorado: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Arches, Utah: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Monument Valley, Arizona: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Antelope Canyon: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Horseshoe Bend: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Dinosaur Tracks (fifteen minutes down the road from the bend): © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Flagstaff: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Oatman, Arizona: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Joshua Tree, California: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Los Angeles: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Portland: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Ostrich World USA: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Big Sur: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Santa Cruz, CA: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Suburbia, CA: © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Literally all of our stuff on the way to the airport. suitcases And now we live in Sweden! It's been a reasonably good first two weeks. The weather here is terrible. Very little sunlight and even then, it's mostly cloudy gloom and/or rain. We've had a handful of days with sunshine and one big snow storm. Otherwise, things are good. Our apartment is adorable and in a great location. The public transport is top-notch. George likes his job. I haven't got a lot to do but I'm working on it. Language classes start next week. More to come.

Great American Road Trip | Week Two | Savannah to Tallahassee

I'm behind already on blogging! It's almost the end of Week Three and I still haven't blogged. Bad me. But you'll live. As always, realish-time updates available on Instagram. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | We started Week Two in Savannah feeling pretty sick. We had grand plans to do lovely things on the way down to St. Augustine to see George's dad, but on the way I was just feeling crap crap crap. So we did some nice rural driving through the Low Country, but otherwise I napped and tried to relax and blow my nose and whatnot. It was a sleepy day and we didn't even see St. Augustine because apparently they were having some big parade or the like for Christmas. We visited with George's dad that day and hung out, then got up really early the following day to GO TO DISNEY WORLD! © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | And hang with Uncle Eric and Aunt Sarah and co. Uncle Eric has worked at the parks for years so we always get to go free and see one or the other. This time we went to Hollywood Studios and saw lots of shows and went on the Haunted Mansion tour - a favorite. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | It wasn't quite Thanksgiving yet, but in Disney it was full-on Christmas. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | This is Dakota, my aunt and uncle's dog. She's pretty great. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | This is my Uncle Eric making a ginormous bowl of salsa. It was decimated a few hours later when my cousins came over to grub. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | And then - whoosh - we were gone. George and I paused on the way between Aunt Sarah's and my mom's to stop in at the Bok Tower and Gardens, another Frederick Law Olmsted design. Classy. We became members because we're dorky and frugal and now we have reciprocal admission to 300+ other parks throughout America, which hopefully we'll get lots of money's worth as we travel about. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | We spent a couple hours at the gardens just walking around and taking in some scenery. I was still feeling pretty bad so we took it really slow. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Nearby, there were tons of signs for "Spook Hill," which was one of the lamest things I'd ever seen. There's a white line on the hill you can see in the background, and you drive up to the white line, put your car in reverse and.... it rolls backwards down the hill exactly how one would expect. So lame. I don't know why this town needs Spook Hill - it's already got these great gardens for people to visit. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Then we were in Ft. Myers to hang with my mom and stepdad for a few days. Mostly we just hung out, but one day we did go down to the beach to see the Sandsculpting competition. The sculptures were super-cool. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | www.amberwilkie.comgart-week-two-blog-20© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography |© 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | Here's a picture of me and my brother as little babies. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | And Mom and Elliott's doggies. We did Thanksgiving there, but I don't have much to say about it. © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | And then we were off again... up up up Florida and into the panhandle. The day after we did a little (painful) Black Friday shopping for new winter coats (which we'll need in Sweden), we got to play with WOLVES. We weren't allowed to bring in real cameras, so I don't have anything much from that day but we did bring in a disposable and have been trying our damndest to get the stupid thing developed. Wouldn't you know, hardly anyone uses them anymore! © 2015 Amber Wilkie Photography | And that is a wrap for Week Two. Knowing me, I'll likely stall big time on getting out Week Three, but maybe I'll stall long enough to slap some wolf photos in there for your viewing enjoyment. Until then, enjoy December!