A handful of random black and whites

Truth be told, it's been a busy season.  I've been seconding out the yin-yang and my own sessions are amping up significantly, starting this past week.  So exciting but also draining.  And it leaves a hole in my blogging heart.  So many wonderful sessions and weddings to blog, I hardly have time to throw in some embarrassing punnage (for that you might try twitter) or treat you to the inanity of my daily life.  But never fear dear blog readers, for today I post some random black and whites! First up, a self-portrait from my very own office building.  Yes, I pass by this window maybe 5 or 6 times a day on my way in or out of the elevators.  But on this particular day, I noticed a double reflection and decided to snap a selfie. self-portrait in an office building Next up, this was taken on my walk from my office to my knitting class. Yes, folks, I am in a knitting class!  Today is the last day and I have yet to complete a single project, but there is a promise that many projects could be completed.  And the promise of Knitting 201, in which we will cable and make lace!  Very exciting stuff.  My dream of being crafty inches closer. foliage at the housing and urban development headquarters in washington, dc And finally, our sad sad Richmond vacation.  How does a wedding photographer swing a weekend getaway?  On Thursday night.  Yes, George and I rambled on down to Richmond late late at night after a client meeting to arrive in Richmond at 11:30pm, to spend one day in the capital.  We toured Hollywood Cemetery, strolled around the VA campus a bit and even made time for overpriced wine at the modern art museum.  Then we turned right back around and came home for Friday night so I could do a wedding in the morning.  My lovely husband puts up with me on so many levels. statue in hollywood cemetery, richmond It's kind of sad that I haven't been doing as much personal shooting as I used to.  But in the end it probably evens out.  Surely there is some limited quantity of creative energy available to each person.  I spend like crazy during weddings and portrait sessions, so maybe there just isn't that much left over for the everyday stuff I used to shoot all the time.  Or maybe it's because my camera is always packed in my wedding gear bag... In any case, we're really looking at one more solid month of jam-packed schedule (actually, October may be the worst month in my entire calendar for free time or the kind of stuff that might cause me to blog) but after that, it should be pretty smooth sailing.  Thanks for reading, my friends!

Dinosaur Land! | White Post, VA

If you know me, you'll know that I am quite literally thrilled by campy tourist stuff.  So imagine my joy when our little group of friends organized a trip to Dinosaur Land in White Post, VA.  And let me say right up front here, that if you chose to do your engagement session at Dinosaur Land, I would be not only incredibly impressed with you but would also totally not charge you travel fees and pretty much worship the ground you walk on.  Hire me for a portrait session here!  It will be so awesome! (I feel compelled to tell you that Barbara is preggers but not that big - that would be lens distortion because I was shooting with the 24.) barbara on king kong My very best friend in the whole world (except for George, of course) just moved here last week.  So pumped to hang with him basically whenever possible. sai in a shark's mouth at dinosaur land I'm not sure where the punching-the-dinosaur thing comes from.  It's a boy thing? punching at dinosaur The boys tried to ride the dinosaurs (definitely not allowed) and Sai fell off. It was hilarious. The crazy-ass gift shop had all kinds of really offensive Confederate stuff. david in a hat confederate stuff at dinosaurland After Dinosaur Land, we hit up some vineyards, including one where I'll be shooting a wedding later this month.  It was cool to be able to check it out early.  Definitely going to be beautiful! Thanks for the good times, lads and ladies.  Don't forget to contact me if you want to do an engagement session at Dinosaur Land!  So serious!

Philadelphia helicopter ride

Many visitors to my blog will already know that I am not a full-time wedding photographer (yet).  This means lots of things.  For one, it means I can't photograph as many weddings as full-timers because I simply don't have the time - this makes my brides extra mega special to me, and it also means I get to be really selective about who I work with, which is completely awesome.  Sometimes it means I have to be away from DC for a while and might be a bit late returning phone calls.  And very, very rarely, it means I get to ride in a helicopter. philadelphia hazy skyline from a helicopter It was the nastiest, haziest day ever and hot as all get-out, so this post-apocalyptic look is really the only feasible one, given the conditions.  I dig it. philadelphia skyline from a helicopter abandoned or really old factory on the river four oil container things I have no idea what this bridge is.  It might be the Betsy Ross.... philadelphia bridge from a helicopter So, in case you're curious what I do 9-5 M-F (and why in the heck I get to ride in a helicopter), I work for a trade union.  We represent officers on big old vessels and little tug boats and lots of stuff in-between.  I work for our newspaper and "cover" events that we have.  About once a month, I'll take a trip somewhere around the country, normally on the east coast but not always, to photograph some of our officers and their ships.  On this particular trip, I was offered a ride in a helicopter to do some aerial work.  That photo came out cool, but I'm sure I'm not allowed to show it to you. Also, the very technical of you may have noticed that these photos were taken with rather meager gear (that is, the d80 and kit lens 18-55).  That's because I'm not about to take $4k worth of camera gear on work trips with me, considering they would not see fit to replace it if I drop it over the side of the ship.  So here I am, offered a ride in a helicopter to take photos, and this is what I have to shoot with... but I'm still not about to travel with my wedding glass. Thanks for looking!  Tell me how impressed you are that I have a helicopter hookup.