It was a bit of a nutty trip to Philly, but I still managed to sneak in a hotel self-portrait. Frequent visitors might remember some of my more recenthotel escapades and long-time readers may even be familiar with my Flickr set (where I keep all my final project entries), dating all the way back to 2008. I'm starting to think that Artomatic, the intended final destination for this project, is never going to happen again. If so, I'll just have an ongoing project forever, I suppose.
To make this image, I put the desk chair on the bed and propped it up with my lens cap. Lens caps make for great tripods, really. Desk chairs are just so-so.
I spend a lot of time in hotel rooms, traveling about, and some time ago I started taking self-portraits - often because I was bored, but also because hotel rooms frequently have great light. They're also an extremely clean and streamlined environment - great for portraiture. I've posted severaltimesbefore with new additions to the project. You can see the whole set here. I guess I got bored with doing them with clothes on, so a little semi-nude action for the blog!
When I heard it was going to snow on the cherry blossoms, which only bloom for a little bit of time each year (and generally long after it's stopped snowing), I got very, very excited. When I couldn't convince any of my friends or clients to get out this morning, I decided to go myself. Sometimes you have to be your own bride.
In the end, I was glad I couldn't talk anyone into it because the one inch we were supposed to get was far closer to a dusting and had melted off by the time we got down there at 9am. My vision was dashed and the sun was out - not what I had in mind! But since we were out there in our wedding gear, we decided to go for it anyway.
To get my husband in the shot, we set up a tripod and used my remote. One of my best (and cheapest) photography investments.
We've got about one week left of cherry blossoms before this show hits the road for one more year. If you'd like to schedule a portrait or bridal session, get in touch with me now!