4/12 Books: The Four-Hour Workweek

four hour workweekI specifically chose to read The Four-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferris because it is such a large part of our collective knowledge at this point, or so I thought.  I've heard the book referenced countless times in financial and personal and career development blogs.  I thought I knew what it was about - creating efficiencies at work and eliminating distraction.  What this book actually promotes is completely leaving a normal job and quite literally spending only 4 hours a week (or less) managing a business. Here's a quick summary: 1) start a business, 2) outsource everything, 3) live a fantastic life of luxury and travel.  Seriously.  Soooo I have to more or less give the book some thumbs-down.  Ferriss advocates finding a "muse" - a business idea that can be fully automated and then outsourced.  He offers three options for creating this "muse": resell a product, license a product, and create a product.  And then he tells you lots of ways you can make this happen.  If you believe. And no, I don't.  I think some people can get rich quick this way.  And I think most will blow some money trying and go back to their 9-5s. The value in this book - and I do find considerable value in this book - is in reexamining your life and lifestyle.  I was inspired by this book to work toward a goal in my employment.  I don't want to put this on the internet, but I'll let you know if it works.  The book also gives lots of great details about how to negotiate, how to talk to employers, how to get the most out of long-term travel.  I'd recommend it, but with a heaping tablespoon of salt.  And if you can make his tactics work for you, I'm sure you'll be glad you did.

12 Books

This post comes to you as part of E‘s 12 books in 12 months project.  The goal is to read 12 books in a year – 12 books that we might not ordinarily be too motivated to read, but that have been on our to-read list.  I've got the Feynman book in my bag right now, so I'd say that's our likely next candidate. 1. Story of O, Pauline Reage 2. The Four Hour Workweek, Tim Ferris 3. Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality, Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá 4. The One-Week Job Project, Sean Aiken 5. Infinite Jest, David Foster Wallace 6. Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman?, Richard Feynman 7. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, James Joyce 8. Light in August, William Faulkner 9. For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway 10. At least one book from my photography collection, TBD. 11. Year of Magical Thinking, Joan Didion 12. A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick

Naples, beach

Traveling for work for the first time in a while (by plane, anyway), I find myself at a beautiful almost-seaside resort in Naples, Florida.  Unlike the many, many other beach resorts I've visited (I jest), this one isn't right on the beach.  Instead, there is a .6 mile walk on an immaculately-maintained boardwalk through a mangrove... grove.  This is not a problem.  What could be a problem is this: do not feed alligators Or this: macro of crazy spider thing Seriously, what the hell?  That is a spider with spikes!  Is that even allowed? I braved the dangers anyway, and here's some of what I saw. couple walking on boardwalk leaves backlit FYI, I'm counting this as my Photo 11 assignment for now.  If I get something better with water in the next week, I'll update. pelican in a sea of blue tram going down boardwalk in mangrove forest The boardwalk led to a pristine and very quiet beach.  No big waves in the Gulf so it's more of a gentle lapping.  Peaceful, really. pelican and round leaves There are also lots of cool dead things at the beach. dead crab at the beach dead prehistoric-looking thing Finally I've got one just for David.  I think I may have found real live Cesars.  Look and tell me that's not what these are! Cesar quatro, cinco y seis! That's all for now but I'm sure I'll walk that boardwalk a lot while I'm here.  If anyone knows the deal with that spider with spikes, let me know.  Maybe I shouldn't walk down the boardwalk barefoot.

Upcoming: Florida, no pain

Hi folks.  I know it's been slow around here lately.  After my drive back from Norfolk last week, my tooth that had been bothering me a bit took a serious turn for the worst, dragging me down root canal lane.  Things aren't exactly fixed over here, but I did see a professional and I'm actually not in pain.  If you have ever had a toothache, you know that it is damn near impossible to do anything until the pain goes away.  That includes photography. But, happily, that pain is now gone and my shutter finger is itching bad!  Thankfully, I'm getting on a plane tonight to go see my parents in Florida and then sit through four days of meetings.  Over the next few days you should see: my parents, the ocean, possibly a band, Norman Love chocolates and whatever else dopey old Florida has to offer. In the meantime, here's what I'll look like tonight.  George took these, at my request, when we went down to Orlando to visit with my aunt for Thanksgiving.  There was this awesome big shaft of light coming in through a window in the ceiling.  We couldn't get the pose/positioning right, but I still think it's kinda neat.  Wish me happy travels and I'll populate this blog with lots of new content soon! me in b&w in reagan airport