Euphoric Swedish Summer
We've had a full month of beautiful weather. Some are even complaining that it's too hot - because they have spent their lives in misery and the torture of never knowing good weather. I am full-on loving this summer.
Good buddies Edmund and Amber invited us down to their country home for a weekend of typical Swedish things and mahjong. We självplock'ed strawberries, baked them into things Great British Bake-Off Style (with me as judge), swam in a lake, and BBQed and had dinner outside. Can't ask for much more than this from Sweden.

Long-time readers will know I am a sucker for these cutout face things.

The weather is supposed to turn tonight. In fact, it's already raining. So I had to get it up to walk around the lake today before things go south and become more typical. Here's a few from Delsjön.