The man I married one year ago today is goofy
and sexy
and patient
and loving
and happy
and goes along with 95% of my ridiculous and not-so-ridiculous outing suggestions
and makes these crazy faces when he brushes his teeth
and challenges me
and believes in me in a way that no one else does.
To my brilliant, kind, generous, thoughtful, caring, dorky, outgoing, responsible, loving husband:
Thank you for understanding me better than anyone in the whole world and not using that to your advantage, but instead to make me happy in a million tiny ways and lots of big ways, too. Thank you for being who you are, and not any of the infinite ways that you could be instead. Thank you for being stubborn and for not being as stubborn as me. Thank you for liking my cooking, or at least for eating everything, even if you don't always like it. Thank you for going along with all my nutso ideas and being open-minded. Thank you for all the hugs and the butches. Thank you for the limitless honesty.
And thank you for a great year. The future's looking pretty awesome.
You are both awesome and I love you!!!! Happy Anniversary to my children.. Enjoy YOUR day together.